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A cat function printing itself


Complete the given function skeleton in order to make it print the ascii cat contained inside.

Once executed in node of in a browser, the code must print the exactly what is given below. You cannot use node to read the file itself, or print a string.


Execute your js file in node or in you browser, it must print this:

ain't that cat cut as fuck



Start with this code snippet and add stuff to acheive your goal:

function cat() {
    =) ^Y^ (=
     \  ^  /
     /     \
     |     |  _
     | | | | / )
     | | |_|/ /
  1. The less code line the better

Expected time to resolution

10 minutes

Expected number of lines

You should need to add only one line.


  • Logging a function directly won't give a stringified version of it. You will need to find a trick to do that. A trick that you probably know and use for other non-string stuffs...

Definitely lost?

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