kinta-lib / com.dailymotion.kinta.integration.github / GithubIntegration
object GithubIntegration :
Name | Summary |
Repository | data class Repository |
Name | Summary |
apolloClient | fun apolloClient(token: String ): ApolloClient |
createRelease | fun createRelease(token: String ? = null, owner: String ? = null, repo: String ? = null, tagName: String , changelogMarkdown: String , assets: List < File >): Unit |
deleteRef | fun deleteRef(token: String ?, owner: String ?, repo: String ?, ref: String ): Unit |
getAllBranches | fun getAllBranches(token: String ?, owner: String ?, repo: String ?): List < String > |
getBranchInfo | Get some info about the pull requests associated to the branchfun getBranchInfo(token: String ?, owner: String ?, repo: String ?, branch: String ): BranchInfo |
isConfigured | fun isConfigured(): Boolean |
openPullRequest | fun openPullRequest(token: String ?, owner: String ?, repo: String ?, head: String ?, base: String ?, title: String ?): Unit |
repository | fun repository(): Repository |
retrieveToken | fun retrieveToken(): String |